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Is Moosejaw Legit? Get All The Important Details Regarding Moosejaw

Is Moosejaw Legit?

Do you want to enjoy a family trip with your family members? Do you want to go on a vacation with your friends or close ones? If yes, then outdoor gear is one of the most essential things that can help you to enjoy all of your trips especially in adventurous locations.

Outdoor gear or apparel is the most important things to be considered. Even in the location where hiking and trekking are available if you want to enjoy those activities, then the outdoor gear can play a very important role in your enjoyment.

But to find out all of the apparel or outdoor gear in one single place becomes very hard to find out. Even if you find out all of these things, then you might become confused regarding the legality of the company or its authenticity.

Even quality is another one of the most important things that you would not compromise. So we suggest all of you visit the retail shop Moosejaw and try out all of their products. But is Moosejaw legit? Is the retail shop of Moosejaw real? All of these questions become important to know.

Let us find out all of the answers to the questions, and we will also help the audience to know whether is moosejaw legit or not.

What is Moosejaw?

The Moosejaw is a retail shop where all of the travel enthusiastic people will be able to find out the outdoor gear or other equipment. All of the apparel, including the things that will help you to enjoy adventurous activities, is also available here.

People who are looking forward to enjoying snow driving, hiking, and trekking can also find out all of the equipment here. Besides that, some clothing sections are also available in the shop, and footwear is also available for the customers.

Specifically, the retail shop has all of the equipment or outdoor gear that can help you to safely enjoy your trip in adventurous locations or in any other locations. Now, do find out whether is moosejaw legit or not in the next paragraph.

Is Moosejaw Legit or Not?

A lot of people find it very difficult to trust a particular shop or a store when they are going to first time purchase with them. As they do not know much information regarding a particular shop, it becomes hard to decide then whether to shop with them are not.

But when it comes to shopping from Moosejaw, all of the audience can believe in their products and services. The trust score of the retail shop is very good, and they also have a good reputation.

Hence, those who are asking whether is moosejaw legit or not can absolutely believe in the retail store and can start shopping with them at any time. 

Shipping And Return Methods Of Moosejaw 

When it comes to shipping facilities, the retail store Moosejaw provides free shipping for all of their customers who will purchase more than $49. Besides that, the shipping time normally takes between 4 to 6 days.

On the other hand all of the customers who want to get faster their products they can also go for other available shipping methods. However, between 1 or 3 days, the customers will be able to get their products.

Some additional charges are also applicable for all of those customers who want to receive their products faster. Normally, the shop Moosejaw does not provide international shipping, but customers who live in Canada, Australia, and And New Zealand can place orders for all of the products from the shop at any time. Besides that, there are some products that are only applied for shipping to those who live in the USA. 

Additionally, the customers will also be able to take advantage of any third-party organization to purchase products of Moosejaw. Probably the customers can go with MyUS Third party organization to get products. They help more than 200 countries and customers to avail the products of Moosejaw.

There is good news for all of the customers regarding the return facility. The store provides a lifetime return facility for all of its products to its customers. It means the customers will be able to return the goods that they have taken from the store unless it is a reselling condition. But one thing is to be remembered that not all of the products fall under this facility.

All of the electronic goods, along with Drone cameras, have to be written within 30 days of purchase. After that, the customers will not return the product. There are also some guidelines that the customers will have to keep in mind and need to follow correctly. After the products reach their place within a few days, all of the customers will be able to get full refunded money.

However, there is also an exchange or a gift-taking option available for all of the customers from the shop Moosejaw. The customers can also go for the exchange option or take the gift option facility at any time.

Overview Of Moosejaw 

Moosejaw was established in 1992 in Michigan by Robert Wolfe, David Jaffe and Bill Schulman. In the beginning, the main purpose of creating the retail store is to help the audience to purchase camping equipment. Later, with time, they introduced a lot of outdoor gear and apparel for their customers. All of the equipment that can help to enjoy tracking hiking and snowboarding all is available here.

Besides that, the main purpose of creating the store is to sell all of the high-quality products. Later, in 2007, the store was identified as an E-Commerce organization, and it was owned by W Capital Partners and Glencoe Capital. But ultimately, in 2017, the retail store was taken by Walmart with $51 million cash. 

Available Products On Moosejaw 

The store Moosejaw has all of the products that can help you to enjoy a trip. In the clothing section, all of the customers will be able to find out things like Headgear, thermal shirts, and waterproof jackets. In the footwear section, all of the customers will be able to find things like Rain boots, hiking boots, waterproof boots, ice shoes, and laces. 

Even sports goods are also available here at the Moosejaw store, and you can purchase some things like Helmets, snowboards, hammocks, and paddles. Initially, all of the customers will also be able to enjoy branded products from the retail store.

Some of the most popular brands that you can find here are North Face, Mammut, Marmot, SmartWool, and Icebreaker. In addition, the customers will also be able to purchase backpacks, yoga mats, luggage, and Cameras from Moosejaw.

Product Prices Of Moosejaw 

When it comes to the prices of the store Moosejaw, they have kept all of the prices very pocket-friendly for their customers; even on any one of the purchases, the store of almost 63% discounts. However, some of the products are a little bit costly, and those things are Snowboards and kayaks.

As a customer, if you compare the prices of the available products with any other companies, then you will find out the prices of Moosejaw are very reasonable. All of the products that belong to the clothing section are available between $70 to $500. 

Even the store Moosejaw also gives a lot of sales options for all of their customers. Things like hand gloves and caps are very cheap in price. By purchasing products from the sales section, the customers can also save their money.

Customer Feedback On Moosejaw 

The maximum number of customers has talked about all positive things regarding the Moosejaw. A lot of customers have praised the free shipping and lifetime return facility option for the customers. Even the trust score of the store Moosejaw is also highly recommended by the customers. As they are a part of an e-commerce company, some of the negative recommendations are also found.

According to the reviews of the customers, some of the customers have shown their dissatisfaction regarding the quality of the products. Even some of the customers have also complaint regarding the slow customer care service. Some of the customers even told me the behaviors of the customer care service attendees were also very rude.

Apart from all of these things, the overall reviews are good regarding the store Moosejaw. If you want to try out their products, then you should try at least once to check out whether the negative reviews are real or fake. 

Some Of The Best Alternatives Of Moosejaw 

Now, here we are going to discuss some of the best alternative options from where you can also purchase outdoor gear or apparel for your trip. 


All of the customers who are looking for some alternative options can go with backcountry.com. Here, from this platform, every individual customer will be able to purchase anything that can help them to enjoy their trip. Whether they want to purchase outdoor gear or apparel, they can have all of the collections here.


The next best alternative option for all of the people is to go with thenorthface.com. All of the trip products, whether it is outdoor gear or equipment, are available here. If you want to enjoy some quality products to safely enjoy your trips, then you can also try out all of the available products on thenorthface.com.

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FAQs: Is Moosejaw Legit?

Is Moosejaw a real store?

Yes, of course, the retail store of Moosejaw is a real organization, and its presence online helps all of its customers purchase outdoor gear or apparel.

Is Moosejaw owned by Walmart?

Previously, the retail shop Moosejaw was owned by someone else, but after 2017, it was owned by Walmart.

Where is Moosejaw based?

The retail store of Moosejaw is based in Michigan. 

What is the return policy for Moosejaw?

All of the customers who have taken any products from the Moosejaw store will be able to return the products within 30 or 60 days as per the rules of the website, depending on the products.

Who owns Moosejaw?

After 2017 the retail store Moosejaw is owned by Walmart.


All of the new customers who want to join as a customer to the retail shop of Moosejaw can trust the shop. We have elaborated much more significant details regarding the shop that can help you to build trust in the store. Besides that, we have also inserted the details of whether is moosejaw legit or not, along with other important details.

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